Version 5.46 (March 3, 2020): - Updated client (Credits: Rampastring, Kerbiter, Starkku, SadPencil) - Various maintenance fixes and new features, see - Updated spawner - Fixed crash when entering Hotkey Configuration window - Fixed typo that made CnC-DDRAW not show up in the Options menu Version 5.44 (May 19, 2019): - Updated client (Credits: Rampastring) - Various maintenance fixes, new features and fixed window borders - Updated the "TS-DDRAW" renderer (Credits: dkeeton, FunkyFr3sh) - Added the "CnC-DDRAW" renderer (Credits: dkeeton, FunkyFr3sh) Version 5.43 (February 3, 2018): - Updated client (Credits: Rampastring, aside from DDrawCompat) - You can now configure your keyboard hotkeys from the client (Options -> Game -> Configure Hotkeys) - Added DDrawCompat renderer (Credits: narzoul) - Renderers are now listed in Resources\Renderers.ini, allowing you to customize the renderers without modifying the client's source code - Several small enhancements and bug-fixes related to LAN and CnCNet online play - Fixed: Game Type drop-down is no longer drawn below the Tech Level drop-down when it's open - Updated spawner. For changes, see - Some of the changes seem experimental, so there could be bugs related to online play Version 5.40 (August 31, 2017): - Added Tiberian Sun Demo missions (Credits: E1 Elite) Version 5.38 (August 19, 2017): - Added Fan-made map "Lost Contact" (Credits: Tuc0) - Added support for multiple sides for Prerequisites and AITriggerTypes (Credits: AlexB) - Fixed several minor spawner issues (Credits: dkeeton) - Fixed several minor client issues (Credits: Rampastring) - Added OpenGL version of the client (Credits: Rampastring) Version 5.37 (April 8, 2017): - Fixed: When the Core Defender was activated in the last Firestorm mission, the radar screen played the GDI campaign intro movie instead of the Core Defender activation movie (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 5.36 (March 19, 2017): - Fixed: Jump-jets no longer have a chance of crashing the game when an ion storm starts (Credits: AlexB) - This was already fixed earlier, but 5.30 re-introduced this issue - You can now enable ModMode= in Resources\ClientDefinitions.ini to disable the "Cheater!" screen that is shown when launching singleplayer missions with a modded game (Credits: Rampastring) - Fixed a few minor client issues (Credits: Rampastring) - FinalSun now gives saved maps the "Custom Map" game mode instead of the "Standard" game mode (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 5.34 (February 17, 2017): - Improved quality of main menu background and loading screen (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 5.33 (February 12, 2017): - Added: Impassable overlay terrain object for FinalSun (Credits: Bittah Commander) - Added: Lin Kuei Ominae's Kodiak, placeable in the map editor - Fixed it being possible to kill Cyborg Reapers multiple times due to its death animation (Credits: Bittah Commander) - The Cyborg Commando now uses the cyborg death cry instead of the regular infantry death cry (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 5.31 (February 11, 2017): - Fixed: It was impossible to adjust the game speed in-game (Credits: Rampastring) - The trackbar button graphics have been improved (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 5.30 (February 10, 2017): - Implemented the latest MonoGame / XNA CnCNet Client (Credits: Rampastring) - The client has been almost entirely rewritten; the UI is now better both functionally and graphically, lots of issues have been fixed, and new features added - The client is now open-source, with the code at - Implemented the latest CnCNet game spawner, with a lot of new features and bugfixes (Credits: AlexB, dkeeton, Iran, Rampastring) - The spawner is now open-source as well; see - A few examples of features / bugfixes enabled in the included default spawner: - Health of units and buildings is displayed when the cursor is hovered over them - Aircraft can be repaired on any repair bay, not on just the one specified in the RepairBay= key - Multi-Engineer is now always disabled when capturing neutral buildings - You don't hear a sound anymore when Insignificant=yes units die - The game no longer crashes when there's over 75 cameos in the sidebar, instead the extra cameos are simply not shown - For an idea of the full change list, see - The main menu has been remade in higher quality (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 4.09 (April 7, 2016): - Fixed: Reinforcement triggers on multiplayer maps failed to function when the "Harder AI" option was enabled (Credits: Rampastring) Version 4.08 (March 19, 2016): - Added the "- MP Enable Change Owner Function" script to FinalSun, which adds the multiplayer SpawnX houses to the map (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 4.07 (March 11, 2016): - Fixed: The game crashed when starting a multiplayer game Version 4.06 (March 10, 2016): - Fixed: CABAL was allied to you in the last Firestorm Nod mission (Credits: Bittah Commander) - Fixed: CABAL's Firestorm Wall didn't activate in the last Firestorm Nod mission (Credits: Bittah Commander) - Fixed: FinalSun's Houses menu didn't work (Credits: Bittah Commander) - Fixed: The "Destroy trigger" map trigger action no longer crashes the game when the trigger to be destroyed is the last trigger on the map's internal list of triggers (Credits: AlexB) - Fixed: The CnCNet Client crashed when a game was completed if you weren't the host and the game host had left the game before you returned from the game (Credits: Rampastring) - Fixed: The "New Campaign" button had a bad hover-on texture that made the text appear smaller when you moved the cursor over the button (Credits: Rampastring) - Fixed: Extra factions can use their own speech files and sidebar graphics now (Credits: Bittah Commander) - Fixed: The update status text is no longer black (Credits: Rampastring) - Fixed: The "Cheater!" dialog now displays a facepalm image instead of a big pink square - Changed: The menu slide animations have been restored (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 4.04 (February 21, 2016): - Fixed: Blue tiberium damages infantry again (Credits: AlexB) - The client now supports multiple multiplayer saves from a specific match (Credits: Rampastring) Version 4.03 (January 31, 2016): - Jumpjet infantry no longer have a chance of crashing the game when an Ion Storm starts (Credits: AlexB) Version 4.02 (January 25, 2016): - Units set to Area Guard mode (by pressing G) will now revert to default (Guard) mode when you tell them to Stop (by pressing S) (Credits: AlexB) - Improved the style of various client windows (Credits: Rampastring) Version 4.00 (January 24, 2016): - Added: LAN support (Credits: Rampastring) - Fixed: Units will no longer aggressively chase enemy units automatically (Credits: AlexB) - Fixed: Updater and custom component settings sometimes displayed "Cannot configure while connected to CnCNet" even when you weren't connected to CnCNet (Credits: Rampastring) - Fixed: The client has been optimized to work better with the GameSurge multiplayer servers (Credits: Rampastring) - Improved: The game will no longer crash when there's more than 75 buildable objects, instead additional objects will be hidden (Credits: AlexB) - Changed: The Statistics, Map Editor and Credits buttons have been moved under a new "Extras" menu (Credits: Rampastring, Bittah Commander) Version 3.83 (October 16, 2015): - Multiplayer games can now be saved and loaded (Credits: Rampastring) - Enabled some previously unused videos in the Firestorm campaigns (Credits: Bittah Commander) - The CnCNet game counter in the main menu has been hidden because it was misleading (Credits: Rampastring) Version 3.80 (October 5, 2015): - Fixed: Saved games sometimes failed to load, resulting in a black screen in-game (Credits: Rampastring) - Fixed: Some waterfall animations were bugged (Credits: Bittah Commander) - Fixed: After loading a saved mission of a campaign and then progressing to the next mission, the difficulty level would always revert to Medium (Credits: Rampastring, Bittah Commander, FunkyFr3sh) - Fixed: Custom maps weren't transferred properly (Credits: Rampastring) - Changed: FinalSun now saves multiplayer maps as .map (Credits: Bittah Commander) - Changed: The client now automatically renames .mpr maps to .map - Changed: Players with modified files will no longer be automatically kicked when they join a game on CnCNet, but a warning message will be shown instead (Credits: Rampastring) - Changed: Custom maps now have their names shown in red to make it clear that the gameplay might be different from stock maps (Credits: Rampastring) Version 3.76 (September 21, 2015): - Map selection screen music is now enabled (Credits: Bittah Commander) - Fixed some less common crashes in the CnCNet Lobby (Credits: Rampastring) - Added: DDWrapper Renderer (Credits: Aqrit of, Rampastring) Version 3.75 (September 19, 2015): - The broken in-game main menu has been replaced with an image that notifies to run TiberianSun.exe instead of game.exe (Credits: Bittah Commander) - The Tiberian Sun score screen has been restored (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 3.74 (September 14, 2015): - Client architecture improvements - Potentially fixed a bug that sometimes caused the CnCNet Client to crash when exiting the Skirmish Lobby Version 3.73 (September 10, 2015): - Improved the compatibility fix that increases performance on Windows 8 and 10 (Credits: Bittah Commander, Rampastring) - Added a new compatibility fix that increases FinalSun map editor performance on Windows 7, 8 and 10 (Credits: Bittah Commander, Rampastring) - Compatibility fixes can now be enabled or disabled via the Display tab of the options menu (Credits: Rampastring) - You can now repeat your last message in the CnCNet lobby chat pressing the up arrow key (Credits: Rampastring) - The client now asks if you really want to quit CnCNet if you try to close the CnCNet lobby while being in a game room (Credits: Rampastring) - Matches are now only added to statistics if they're at least a minute long (Credits: Rampastring) - URLs posted in the chat can now be opened in the CnCNet Game Lobby by double-clicking on them (Credits: Rampastring) - Fixed: You no longer see a cryptic message in the lobby each time you get kicked from a game (Credits: Rampastring) - Fixed: The AI difficulty on Co-Op maps was always set to easy, regardless of the actual selected difficulty (Credits: Rampastring) - Fixed: The CnCNet Client would crash after a game ended if you had created or joined at least two game rooms during the session (Credits: Rampastring) - Fixed: The CnCNet Client would crash if you entered the Options menu from the CnCNet Lobby (Credits: Rampastring) - Fixed: On some (rare) systems the updater would fail when updating TiberianSun.exe (Credits: Rampastring) - The "Disable Sounds" option has been removed from FinalSun for now because it also enabled Beginner Mode (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 3.70 (September 3, 2015): - (Hopefully) fixed an issue where it was impossible to install custom components - The client now starts up faster (Credits: Rampastring) Version 3.69 (September 2, 2015): - Fixed: The "Borderless windowed mode" display setting wasn't loaded properly (Credits: Rampastring) - Fixed: The "Back buffer in video memory" display setting wasn't loaded properly (Credits: Rampastring) - Note: If you previously had the back buffer disabled, with this update the option will be enabled once you enter the Options menu. It's recommended that you disable the option again, since it hurts performance on most systems. Version 3.68 (September 2, 2015): - Fixed: Players in the player list could multiply in some cases (Credits: Rampastring) - Now you can input your last chat command to the lobby chat input box by hitting the up arrow key (Credits: Rampastring) Version 3.66 (September 1, 2015): - Added the ModMode option to Resources\MainClient.ini. Setting this to true will automatically skip the version mismatch dialog and make the client load faster. (Credits: Rampastring) - FinalSun Trigger Editor now shows the "1 AND" trigger type option (Credits: Bittah Commander) - FinalSun now has an option for disabling sounds (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 3.63 (August 15, 2015): - TS Nod Missions 1 and 5 now have additional in-game cinematics (originally created by Westwood but left unused in the original game for some reason) (Credits: Bittah Commander) - Fixed: MWMN now uses Oxanna's voice (you could control both Umagon and the MWMN in GDI 9C) (Credits: Bittah Commander) - Sound and music indexes in sound01.ini / theme.ini now match those that you need to input in FinalSun to play those sounds / tracks (for mappers) (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 3.62 (August 13, 2015): - MWMN now uses Umagon's voice (for modders / map makers) (Credits: Bittah Commander) - Fixed many tutorial lines which had CABAL named "Cabaal" (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 3.61 (August 11, 2015): - Fixed Kodiak crash animations (Credits: Bittah Commander) - Tiberian Sun Nod campaign videos now work properly (Credits: Bittah Commander) - You'll have to re-download Nod campaign videos in the settings - Firestorm GDI and Nod campaign videos now work properly (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 3.59 (August 10, 2015): - Framework Mode now works in FinalSun (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 3.58 (August 10, 2015): - The Mammoth tank is no longer invisible (Credits: Bittah Commander) - The old, unused Tiberian Dawn / Red Alert unit voxels in Expand00.mix now have entries in Art.ini for modders (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 3.57 (August 9, 2015): - Implemented bugfixes from Aro's Tiberian Sun: UMP (Credits: Bittah Commander) - Fixes various, mostly graphics-related bugs in Tiberian Sun like missing building animations - UMP Credits: Aro, Lin Kuei Ominae, Chriz, Machine, Crimsonum, Revolutionary - Updated the look of social media buttons in the CnCNet lobby (Credits: Bittah Commander) - Fixed the Cyborg Reaper death animation so the unit can no longer be killed continously while the anim is playing (it could be farmed for endless XP) (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 3.56 (August 7, 2015): - Fixed another common Internal Error when starting a game - Ingame videos should now work properly (previously they gave an Internal Error) Version 3.55 (August 7, 2015): - Added the -SHUTUP command-line option for TiberianSun.exe that allows skipping the version mismatch dialog (for modders) (Credits: Rampastring) - Fixed mission briefings not being displayed on some GDI and Nod campaign missions (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 3.54 (August 6, 2015): - Fixed a common Internal Error when starting a game (Credits: Bittah Commander) - Updated the look of social media buttons in the CnCNet lobby (Credits: Bittah Commander) Version 3.51 (August 4, 2015): - Updated client license in INI files. Version 3.50 (August 4, 2015): - Fixed DTA leftovers from multiplayer colors (Credits: Rampastring)