Trigger tutorial 4 (intermediate)

Written by: Thalassicus
Modified by Matze

Creating & Using Triggers (intermediate level)
Triggers may have more than just one event or action associated with them. If a trigger has multiple events, all of them must be true simultaneously in order for the trigger to fire. An example of this is a complex win trigger using many different events.

To create a win trigger requiring both destruction of the enemy and evacuation to a dust off point:
1) Under the Edit menu, select "global variables".
2) Add a new variable "0" with description "Enemy Destroyed" and set its initial value to "0".
3) Set up a trigger with the following parameters:
a. Name: "Enemy player killed"
b. Event: "11 House completely destroyed", parameter the enemy house
c. Actions:
i. "11 Display text message", parameter "1 Objective 1 completed!"
ii. "56 Set global", parameter "0 Enemies Destroyed,0"
4) Set up the win trigger with the following parameters:
a. Name: "American Win"
b. Events:
i. "36 Global is set", parameter "0 Enemies Destroyed,0"
ii. "1 Celltag entered", parameter "0 American"
c. Actions:
i. "11 Display text message", parameter "2 Objective 2 completed!"
ii. "1 Win game", parameter "0 Americans"
5) Create one or more celltags with the property "01000008 American Win 1" where the evacuation point will be. The "Americans" will now "win [the] game" when any "celltag [is] entered" and the enemy "house [has been] completely destroyed".

Now you've set up a multi-part trigger!